目前分類:Film (4)

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      On Friday, 3 girls(糖.嬤. A-Lin) went to see the famous performance, VAREKAI. The performance was performed by Cirque su Soleil. I had been fonded of the circus since I was sophomore. Eventually, I had this chance to close the BIG performance.It's worthwhile to see the amazing performance, even if the ticket is too expensive. It's not only a great performance, but also a good service. Because if u enter the theatre, the booking clerks will bring u to ur seat and all the clerks serve with kind attitude. You can see some clerks with  funny red suit sell or give the popcorn to u.

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Taiwan movie has a character that connects the colloctive memory from Taiwanese.

Sometimes, they especially point out or sommon ur past time and perspectives.

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Recently, I researched some reference for my report,

then when I found some movie business,  

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  • 中國時報
  • 【耿一偉】
  • 故事說得好,觀眾自然覺得電影好看。中島哲也善用猶如嗆鼻芥末醬的對比蒙太奇,與是枝裕和偏愛像柔和蘿蔔泥的固定鏡頭,恰好是天平的兩極。但這兩種電影料理手法,但都是為了喚醒陷入無感的日本社會,恢復他們的道德味覺。

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