
by A-Lin

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Lol~I love this photo, see ~ guys were all cute.

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      "事業線"一詞是將女人的乳溝借喻為女性讓事業前途看好的名詞。與"乳溝"一詞比較起來,"事業線"更讓人聽了會覺得委婉些、幽默些,也讓說的人比較不易害羞。但是,這樣的名詞強化了女體的商品化,也就是說將女體貶抑為商品換取事業。在中時的報導中指出,樹德科技大學人類性別研究所長林燕卿認為,「事業線」一詞源自香港演藝圈,確實反映女藝人靠姣好身材引人注意,工作機會也接踵而來的現況,應是口語習慣,若外界過度嚴肅看待,恐將失去語言的多元性、活潑性。 A-Lin不贊成這樣的看法,A-Lin認為語言的多元是有一定規範的,自由本身就是在社會規範而形塑出來的,所以不是因為語言有自由性,而拿來濫用。

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      On Friday, 3 girls(糖.嬤. A-Lin) went to see the famous performance, VAREKAI. The performance was performed by Cirque su Soleil. I had been fonded of the circus since I was sophomore. Eventually, I had this chance to close the BIG performance.It's worthwhile to see the amazing performance, even if the ticket is too expensive. It's not only a great performance, but also a good service. Because if u enter the theatre, the booking clerks will bring u to ur seat and all the clerks serve with kind attitude. You can see some clerks with  funny red suit sell or give the popcorn to u.

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Four persons set off the bridge near 復興鄉.Last year, we early planed this crazier action---Bungee jumping.I really think people should do it in our life, perhaps jumping could bring something special to urself.( XDD I expected I become smart after I jump. )    As a result, 明,輝,彰 and I took a little trip to 大溪 to join in the skydiving club.

First, 彰's mom picked me up at 平鎮, u know ~so interesting, cuz 彰's appearance is totally the same with his mom as well as personality,彰's face is like to copy his mother's face and shape. They're all hospital person!!!  That is, they 're a cute family, too warm.

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前幾天看到這則廣告  覺得很好玩 想和可愛的小讀者你分享  : )

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dazzling sign.jpg

Woo hoo~ Eventually, we arrived to this classical honey toast cafe' where the manager is 孫芸芸. 

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