
                                                      We're in the 1885.

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It's an America food . 柚子 and I compeleted exams, we celebrated the moment.

An intelligent womon sat in front of me who is 柚子. She always know what she want and how to get the target, so I asked many questions to her.

Due to the exams, we has connected each other.

We ate  meals and just talked. We killed 85 photos in this afternoon, in fact, it's funny, a little crazy, cuz I noticed others paid attetion to our weird actions.


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This is 柚子's beef meal, and I ordered a salmon fish meal.


After ate the meal, we went to 師大night market and bought the same dresses.

We're tired to shopping, so we took a break at starbucks.

I like that starbucks, cuz there decoration is like a living room that make guests  feel  warm.   

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       Ps.   It's  our time .

    創作者 A - Lin  的頭像
    A - Lin

    A- Lin in Wonderland

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